
Cameron Shafii

  • Fri, May 4, 2018
    (This event has already happened.)

    1050 E 59TH ST

    Cameron Shafii is an Iranian composer who creates electroacoustic music using a range of digital processes and generative systems. As they explore the sonic possibilities of new technologies, his works are immersive listening experiences that carry forward an experimental tradition of electronic music: leading listeners to become more attuned to the perceptual qualities of sound. Intricately constructed to be played back on loudspeakers, his works feature complex sonorities and amorphous forms and gain vitality through a sense of movement and tension.

    The live performance of these compositions shifts us back to a rich acoustic experience in a particular space—in this case a neo-gothic chapel located near the Renaissance Society. For this concert, Shafii premieres variations on three pieces from his forthcoming album, Corpora Vilia. These pieces present extremes of dynamic variation, exploring diverse sound worlds and choreographed sequences that disrupt the constancy of time.

    Cameron Shafii has performed and presented installations in the US and Canada and has recently published works on the Anòmia and Conditional labels. He runs the Ge-stell label and is based in Philadelphia, where he is pursuing a Ph.D. in German at the University of Pennsylvania.
