Wakaliga Uganda
If Uganda Was America
Ximena Garrido-Lecca
Ghislaine Leung
Jordan Strafer
Neïl Beloufa
Year Zero
Aria Dean
Abattoir, U.S.A.!
Dala Nasser
Adonis River
Meriem Bennani
Life on the CAPS
Diane Severin Nguyen
Fear of Property
Max Guy
But tell me, is it a civilized country?
Haig Aivazian
All of the Lights
Jill Magid
Tender: Balance
Matthew Metzger
Smashing into my heart
Lydia Ourahmane, Alex Ayed
laws of confusion
Silke Otto-Knapp
In the waiting room
Miho Dohi
Nine Lives
David Maljković
Also on View
Liz Magor
LaToya Ruby Frazier
The Last Cruze
Unthought Environments
Richard Rezac
Shadi Habib Allah
Put to Rights
Let me consider it from here
Robert Grosvenor
Klein / Olson
Jennifer Packer
Alejandro Cesarco
Peter Wächtler
Secrets of a Trumpet
Between the Ticks of the Watch
Ben Rivers
Sadie Benning
Shared Eye
Varda Caivano
The Density of the Actions
Gabriel Sierra
Irena Haiduk
Seductive Exacting Realism
Wadada Leo Smith
Ankhrasmation: The Language Scores, 1967-2015
John Knight
Paul McCarthy
Let Us Celebrate While Youth Lingers and Ideas Flow, Archives 1915–2015
Nora Schultz
parrottree — building for bigger than real
Teen Paranormal Romance
Christina Mackie
Colour drop
Josef Strau
The New World, Application for Turtle Island
Mathias Poledna
R.H. Quaytman
Passing Through The Opposite of What It Approaches, Chapter 25
John Neff
Suicide Narcissus
Cathy Wilkes
I Give You All My Money
Yto Barrada
Dawoud Bey
Picturing People
Danh Vō
Gerard Byrne
A thing is a hole in a thing it is not
The Age of Aquarius
William J. O’Brien
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
In A Saturnian World
Anna Shteynshleyger
Matt Saunders
Parallel Plot
The Seductiveness of the Interval
Rebecca Warren
Jim Lutes
A Survey
Paul Chan
My laws are my whores
Several Silences
Allan Sekula
Polonia and Other Fables
Kateřina Šedá
It Doesn’t Matter
Trisha Donnelly
Black Is, Black Ain’t
Francis Alÿs
Bolero (Shoe Shine Blues) and Politics of Rehearsal
Scott Short
Allora and Calzadilla
Wake Up
Katharina Grosse
Atoms Inside Balloons
Steve McQueen
Meanwhile, in Baghdad…
Yutaka Sone
Forecast: Snow
Mai-Thu Perret
“And every woman will be a walking synthesis of the universe”
Avery Preesman
Ben Gest
Sanford Biggers, Katrin Sigurdardottir, Javier Téllez
The Here and Now
Su-Mei Tse
The Ich-Manifestation
Rebecca Morris
Paintings 1996-2005
Whenever on on on nohow on | Airdrawing
All The Pretty Corpses
New Video, New Europe: A Survey of Eastern European Video
Laura Letinsky
Hardly More Than Ever, Photographs 1997-2004
Joan Jonas
Lines in the Sand and The Shape, the Scent, the Feel of Things
Yang Fudong
5 Films
A Perfect Union…more or less
Amar Kanwar
Of Poems and Prophesies
Emmanuelle Antille
Angels Camp - First Songs
Joëlle Tuerlinckx
Chicago Studies: Les etants donnes
Mark Manders
Isolated Rooms
Ulrike Ottinger
South East Passage: A Journey to New Blank Spots on the European Map
Feng Mengbo
Michel Auder
Retrospective 1969-2001
Catherine Sullivan
Five Economies (big hunt/little hunt)
Julie Moos
watery, domestic
Katarzyna Kozyra
The Rite of Spring
Raoul de Keyser
Helen Mirra
Simparch, Kevin Drumm
Spec: An Electro-Acoustic Investigation
Thomas Hirschhorn
World Airport
Pierre Huyghe
The Third Memory
Franz West
Pre-Semblance and The Everyday
Martin Kippenberger
The Happy End of Kafka’s Amerika
Toni Grand
Judy Ledgerwood
Cold Days
Willie Doherty
True Nature
Darren Almond
Helmut Jahn
Moshekwa Langa
Arturo Herrera
Shahzia Sikander
Kerry James Marshall
Raymond Pettibon
Tracey Moffatt
Kara Walker
Presenting Negro Scenes Drawn Upon My Passage Through the South and Reconfigured for the Benefit of Enlightened Audiences Wherever Such May Be Found, By Myself, Missus K.E.B. Walker, Colored
Katy Schimert
Oedipus Rex: The Drowned Man
Giovanni Anselmo
Lungo il Sentiero Verso Oltremare
Cristina Iglesias
Julia Fish
View — Selected Drawings and Paintings 1985–1995
Heimo Zobernig
Ben Nicholson
Thinking the Unthinkable House
Kim Dingle
Luc Tuymans
Diana Thater
Stan Douglas
Hors-champs and Evening
Rodney Graham
School of Velocity, Parsifal
Albert Oehlen
Recent Paintings
Turn of the Century Home
After and Before
Narelle Jubelin
Soft Shoulder
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
Zoe Leonard
Rodney Carswell
Selected Works 1975-1993
Jean-Marc Bustamante
Robin Winters
Human Nature (the face takes a special place in the space of memory)
Lothar Baumgarten
Gaylen Gerber
Why Paint?
Isa Genzken
Everybody needs at least one window
Miroslaw Balka
Judith Barry
IMAGINATION, Dead Imagine and Model for Stage and Screen
Barbara Rossi
Selected Works 1967-1990
The Body
A Swiss Dialectic
Jessica Stockholder
Skin Toned Garden Mapping
Maria Nordman
Michael Asher
Thomas Struth
Herbert Brandl, Franz West, Otto Zitko
Günther Förg
Stations of the Cross
Niele Toroni
Juan Muñoz
John Hilliard
Georg Herold, Albert Oehlen, Christopher Wool
On Kawara, Date Paintings: 1966-1988
Stephen Prina
Monochrome Painting
Erik Bulatov
Hanne Darboven
Quartett >88<
Avis Newman
Lassitude before Words
Christina Ramberg
A Retrospective: 1968-1988
Mike Kelley
Three Projects: Half a Man, From My Institution to Yours, and Pay for Your Pleasure
Hirsch Perlman
Affected Machines/Machines Affectees
Vera Klement
A Retrospective: 1953-1986
CalArts: Skeptical Belief(s)
Drawings of the Chicago Imagists
Video and Language/Video as Language
Peter Fischli, David Weiss
Peter Fischli and David Weiss
Günter Brus, Hermann Nitsch, Arnulf Rainer
Austrian Drawings
Phyllis Bramson
Painting and Drawings, 1973-1986
Robert Gober, Jeff Koons, Haim Steinbach
New Sculpture
Robert Barnes
1956-1984: A Survey
Victor Burgin
The Office at Night
Large-Scale Drawings by Sculptors
Difference: On Representation and Sexuality
Robert Barry
Emerging 1985
James Coleman
Architecture in Silver
Robert Lostutter
The Watercolors
The Meditative Surface
German Neo-Expressionist Graphics
Contemporary Italian Masters
Rapid Enamel: The Art of Graffiti
Nancy Spero
The Black Paintings
Jeff Wall
Emerging 1983
Daniel Buren
Intersecting Axes: A Work in Situ
The Sixth Day: A Survey of Recent Developments in Figurative Sculpture
1983 MFA Candidates, University of Chicago Midway Studios
Architecture: Sequences
Ed Paschke
Selected Works 1967-1981
A Fatal Attraction: Art and the Media
Michael Slaski
Sculpture, Paintings, and Drawings
Douglas Hollis
Sound Shade in C Major
Eva Hesse
A Retrospective of the Drawings
John Hejduk
California Performance Now and Then
Words as Images
Ree Morton
A Retrospective 1971-1977
Louise Bourgeois
Femme Maison
Michele Hemsoth
Paintings and Drawings
Dan Graham
Selected Works
Objects and Logotypes: Relationships Between Minimal Art and Corporate Design
Joan Snyder
Jene Highstein
Black Sphere
Estelle Kenney
An Environment: Sanctioned and Sanctuary
Michael Singer
New Work
Alexandra Vilija Eiva
Paintings: University of Chicago Midway Studios MFA Thesis Exhibition
Miyoko Ito
A Review
Hans Haacke
Recent Works
Dan Ramirez
Works, 1972-1979
Visionary Images
In the Realm of the Monochromatic
Laura Volkerding
Lawrence Weiner
Steve Foster
The Steve Lacy Series, 1977
Art of Texas
Thick Paint
Recent Portraiture
Ideas in Sculpture 1965-1977
Andrea Blum, Freya Hansell, Barry Le Va
Joseph Kosuth
Ideas on Paper 1970-1976
Sally Fisher
Space Transformation
Robert Smithson
Mirror/Salt Works
Fifty Years of Photography: Women Observed, As Seen in Vogue 1924-1974
Twentieth-Century Folk Art: The Herbert Hempill Jr. Collection
For You, Aaron
Avant Garde in Theatre: French Playbills of the 1890s
The Anonymous Image
Contemporary Still Life
Islamic Prayer Rugs
Art Deco: Trends in Design
Nature Into Art
Dr. Alistair Fraser
Meteorological Objects
William Current, Richard Faller, Arthur LaZar
Three Photographers from the Southwest
Prairie School Furniture
Ivan Albright
An Exhibition of Medical Drawings
Print Making Techniques: Past and Present
Venice in Peril and Views of Venice: Canaletto-Whistler-Masson
Art after Art
Chinese Painting at Mid-Century
The New Curiosity Shop
Dr. Barbara Young
Contemporary Fabrics
Pre-Columbian Art
Know What You See
Santos Chávez, Hector Herrera
Time Change
Biennial Exhibition of Members’ Work 1969
19th Century French Cartoons and Ligature ‘68
Max Ackermann
Comic Strip as Art
Art Nouveau: Furniture, Drawings, and Books
18th Century Chinese Taste: Porcelains, Carvings, Paintings
Ellamarie and Jackson Woolley
Paintings, Enamels, Constructions
George Ortman
Late-Antique Glass Mosaics
Virginio Ferrari
Sculpture, Painting, and Drawing
Norman Ackroyd, Peter Olley, Shane Weare
Recent Etchings
Modern Makonde Sculpture from the Collection of Izaak and Pera Wirszup
Henry Moore
Chicago’s Homage to Henry Moore
Wendell Castle, Wharton Esherick, Sam Maloof, and Marcelo Grassman
Artist Members Exhibition
Thirty Artists from Italy
German Expressionists
Ruth Duckworth
The Kasuri of Japan
Richard Lippold
Olle Baertling
Lu Wu-chiu
Erik Pløen
René Magritte
Edgar Degas
First Edition Wood Block Prints
Northern Renaissance Art in Shakespeare’s Time
Contemporary Ceramics, Photographs, and Woodcuts of Japan
The Daniells in India, 1786-1793: 18th Century English Watercolors of India
Paintings, Drawings, and Sculpture from Chicago Collections
Frances Strain Biesel
Oil Paintings, Water Colors, Drawings, 1898-1962
The Edward Joseph Gallagher III Memorial Collection and the Charles Leonard Pfeiffer Collection, from the University of Arizona
Drawings of Old Masters
Shalom of Galilee
Collector’s Choice
Art To Live With: A Selection From The Joseph Randall Shapiro Student Loan Collection
Hyde Park Collects: Hyde Park-Kenwood Centennial Exhibition
Claire Zeisler
Weavings, and Artifacts from her Collection
Faces and Figures: An Exhibition of Modern Drawings
Sobriety and Elegance in the Baroque: Portraits from the Collection of the University of Notre Dame
Evert Lundquist
Kenneth Callahan
Paintings and Drawings from the Collection of Emily Winthrop Miles
Alfred H. Maurer
Contemporary Portraits by Chicago Painters and Sculptors
Modern Sculpture and Sculptors’ Drawings
But…is it Art?
Contemporary Wall Hangings in Weaving and Needlework
Contemporary Drawings from Latin America
Mosaic: A Preview of “The Law” by Harold Haydon and a Review of Historic Masterpieces
Contemporary American Indian Painting
Marc Chagall
An Exhibition of Paintings and Graphic Works from Chicago Collections
Korean Art: Works by Students and Faculty of Seoul National University
Harry Weese and Associates
Architectural Works
Watercolors, Drawings, and Collages from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Randall Shapiro
The Condition of Modern Man: An Exhibition of Contemporary Art
Contemporary American Watercolors
Works by University of Chicago Art Faculties
Cady Wells
Victor Carvacho
Students as Collectors: Prints and Drawings from Callot to Picasso
A Sculptor’s Collection
Albert Bloch
A Retrospective
Water colors, Drawings and Lithographs
Painters in Color
French Universities and Their Pursuit of Freedom
As They Like It
Fred Biesel
Paintings by Old Masters from the Max and Leola Epstein Collection
Eleven American Pioneers of the 20th Century
Agnes Gale
20th Century German Graphic Art
A Selection of Modern Pottery
Framing, Right and Wrong
An Exhibition in Memory of Elinor Castle Nef: Prints and Drawings from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. John U. Nef
The Artist Looks at the Scientist’s World
The International Graphic Arts Society: Contemporary Etchings, Engravings, Wood-Cuts, Litographs, Serigraphs
Ben Shahn
Paintings and Prints
Paintings of Greek Landscape by Eight Athenian Artists
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Current Ways with Color Prints
Richard Guy Walton
The Malefactors
Contemporary Sculpture by Chicago Artists
Japanese Prints of the 18th and 19th Centuries
Drawings by Four Painters
Group of 15 of St. Louis
William Walcot
Contemporary Italian Prints
Mark Tobey
Horst de Marées
Water Colors
Norwegian Printmakers
Pietro Belluschi
Chiaroscuro Woodcuts
José Clemente Orozco
Contemporary American and European Art
George Fred Keck, William Keck
Keck on Architecture
Contemporary American Prints Selected by Five Printmakers
African Paintings
Diego Rivera
University of Chicago Faculty Exhibition
Six Young Italian Artists
Florence Koehler
Frederick J. Waugh, N.A.
Sea Paintings
Hans Richter
Paintings and Material on His Films
Historical Techniques of Painting and Drawing with Contemporary Examples
Schweikher and Elting, Architects
An Exhibition in Honor of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Sepp Frank
Work of the Cranbrook Academy of Art
47th Anniversary Exhibition
Visual and Non-Visual Art Expression
Sculpture and Sculptors’ Drawings
Artwork by students at Black Mountain College
Sculptor’s Fountains: Photos, Prints and Models
Victor Hammer
Charles Smith
Block Paintings
Beatrice Levy, Adrian Troy
Color Prints
Form at Play - Abstraction in Various Materials by Chicago Artists
Early Drawings
Manuscript Illumination, Past and Present from C. L. Ricketts collection
Helen Balfour Morrison
The Inheritance
Drawings, Paintings, Sculpture from the Humanities 1 Workshop
Käthe Kollwitz
I. Rice Pereira
Medard Klein
Paintings, Prints and Drawings
Mies van der Rohe
Representative Works by Chicago Artists
Theo van Doesburg
Paintings, Drawings, Photographs and Architectural Drawings
Karl Nolde
Paintings in Watercolor and Gouache
Jacques Lipschitz
Paintings by Maurice Prendergast, with Watercolors by Charls Demuth and Carl Kahler
Alfeo Faggi
Drawings and Prints by English Artists of the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries
Paul Klee
Pictures up to $20.00
Contemporary Paintings from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Ludgin
Boardman Robinson
Contemporary Illustrated Books
John Sloan
A Retrospective Exhibition of Etchings
Modern Dutch Architecture and City Planning
Painting and Sculpture by Chicago Artists
Photographs of Sculpture
Coptic Textiles and Paintings by Marsden Hartley and Max Weber
Marli Ehrman
Peter Breughel the Elder
Original Prints with Facsimiles of Drawings and Watercolors
Emil Armin
Paintings in Oil, Watercolors, and Woodcuts
Drawings by Contemporary Artists
New Names in American Art: Recent Contributions to Painting and Sculpture by Negro Artists
Lionel Feininger
Watercolors and Drawings, 1909-1941
The Sydney and Julia Teller Collection of Copper and Brass
Self-portraits through the Ages
Patrocino Barela
Wood Carvings
Spanish Colonial Design of the Southwest
George Josimovich, Max Kahn, Eleanor Coen, Mario Ubaldi, Emmanuel Viviano, and Freeman Schoolcraft
Paintings in Oil and Watercolor by a Group of Milwaukee Artists
Masterpieces of Ancient China
Prints by Old Masters from the Collection of Lessing Rosenwald
Contemporary Work in Painting, 1928–1940
Fifteen American Sculptors
Contemporary American Lithographers
War Art
American Humor: Cartoons from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Present
Northwest Coast Indian Art
Roff Beham
Gustaf Dalstrom
Watercolors and Drawings
Jean Vigoureaux
Drawings by Modern Artists of Bali
Paintings by Elisabet Kormendi-Fejervary and Sculpture by Eugene Kormendi
Harold Schade
Book Illustrations by Modern American Artists
Contemporary Art from the Countries of the Western Hemisphere
Antonio Sotomayor
Ancient Chinese Paintings
Works by Chicago Artists Loaned by Chicago Collectors
Winslow Homer to Present-Day Chicago: An Exhibition of American Watercolors
Original Drawings by Masters of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries and Artists of the Present Day
Elisabeth Haseltine Hibbard
American Primitives and Copies of the Bishop Hill Paintings by the Index of American Design
South American Andean Arts and Handicrafts
Modern Chinese Paintings
Hand-Woven Textiles
Ursula Wolff
Photographs of Greek Sculpture and Architecture
Central European Art
László Moholy-Nagy
Modern Sculpture
Richard J. Neutra
Photographs of Architecture
Edmund Giesbert
Drawings and Paintings
Manuscripts and Letters of Poets of England And America
Wood Carvings and Paintings Brought from Bali by Mr. and Mrs. William B. Benton
Robert Harshe
Jewish Art from Palestine
Paintings by Famous Victorian Painters
Guy Murchie Jr.
Maude P.H. Hutchins
Drawings and Sculpture
International Moderns
Rainey Bennett, John Pratt
Watercolor Renderings of Americana
Paintings by Josef Albers and E. Mistrik de Monda
Florence Robinson
Abraham Rattner
Fernand Léger
Paintings, Watercolors, and Gouaches
Ella Lascaux
John Pratt and Charles Sebree
Modern German Graphic Art
Paintings, Watercolors, and Drawings
Paintings and Sculpture by American Negro Artists
Frances Rhoads Morley
Portrayals of Maya Indian Subjects
Alexander Calder
Georges Seurat
Paintings and Designs: Works Made for the W.P.A. of Illinois by Artists of Chicago and Vicinity
Industrial Design
Eva Watson Schütze
A memorial exhibition of paintings
Abstract Art By Four Twentieth-Century Painters: Picasso, Gris, Braque, Leger
Paintings and Drawings by Dufy and Survage
An Historical Exhibition of Bookbinding
A Selection of Works by Twentieth Century Artists
Don Wallace
Paintings: Sea and Land and City Streets
Exhibition of the Laura C. Boulton Collection of Musical Instruments and Various Objects in Use in Ceremonies and Daily Life of Native Africans
Exhibition of Pure Line Drawing: From the Greek to the Modern
Photographs of Forty Paintings
Originals and Reproductions: Modern French Art
Small Sculptures and Drawings by Sculptors
Fifth Annual Exhibition of Modern French Painting, with African Masks
Isamu Noguchi
Paintings and Prints by “The Blue Four”: Feininger, Jawlensky, Kandinsky, Klee
Liturgical Art and Some other themes
Paintings and Ceramics from the Hull House Art School, and of African Art, Carvings in Wood and Metal and Needlework
Fine Prints Old and New: The Albert Roulliere Memorial Collection
Commemorative Exhibition From the Martin A. Ryerson Collection
Satiric Drawings and Caricatures of the XVIIIth, XIXth, and XXth Centuries
Masters of Ukio-ye and Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Western Prints
Modern French Paintings
An Exhibition of Original Pictures in Colored Chalk
Alfeo Faggi, Maude Phelps Hutchins, John B. Storrs: An Exhibition of Drawings by Three American Sculptors
Festival of Religious Art: Religious Art by Artists of Chicago and Environs
Festival of Religious Art: The Guelph Treasure
Festival of Religious Art: Old and New Masters of Religious Art
American Primitives Collected by The Newark Museum and Samplers from the Collection of James W. Walker of Chicago
Paintings and Ceramics from the Hull House Art School
Some Modern Primitives: International Exhibition of Paintings and Prints
The Art of Modern Hungary
Byzantine and Early Christian Art of the East
Medieval Illuminations
Examples of Religious Art from the 4th Century to the Present time
Paintings: Selected From The Annual Exhibition Of Paintings By Artists Of Chicago And Vicinity At The Art Institute Of Chicago
Modern European and Antique Oriental Art
Morris Topchevsky
Modern Art
Modern Austrian Painting
Teng Kwei
Paintings by Teng Kwei with Chinese Antiques, Paintings and Mortuary Statuary
Henri Matisse
Fifteen Paintings and Some Prints by Henri Matisse with Persian and Indian Miniatures of the Fourteenth to Nineteenth Centuries
Modern American Architecture
American Oil Paintings and French Watercolors
Modern American Art
Modern French Painting and Sculpture
A Collection of Japanese Prints and Textiles
Annual Student Art Exhibition
Exhibition of Chinese Paintings of the T’ang, Sung and Yuan Periods
First Annual Student Art Exhibition
Albin Polasek
Italian Primitives: Works from the 14th, 15th, and 16th Centuries
War Posters
Frederick Parsons
Replicas of Ivories in European Museums
Japanese Color Prints
Hermann Rosse
Exhibit of Persian Art
Joseph Pennell
Lithographs of War Work
Modern Paintings