Shadi Habib Allah, 5081 35, 2018. Courtesy of the artist.
Please join us to celebrate the opening of Shadi Habib Allah’s solo exhibition, Put to Rights.
Palestinian artist Shadi Habib Allah works across film, drawing, sculpture, and installation, often drawing on a process of deep research and on-the-ground physical engagement in specific locales. Richly varied in form and focus, his recent projects run the gamut from traveling along illicit trade routes with Bedouin smugglers to documenting labor and banter between mechanics in a Miami body shop. In works like these, he homes in on economies of people, objects, and images, tracing various ways of navigating through these networks or investigating their structures.
Artist talk: Habib Allah discusses his work in conversation with Karsten Lund, Associate Curator at the Renaissance Society, at 6pm in Kent Hall, a short walk from the Ren.