Exhibition Walk-through

Adonis River and the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures

Left: Dala Nasser, 2021. Photo: Paul Gorra, 2021. Right: Foundation Peg. Bronze, remains of textile. Ur III period, reign of Shulgi (2094-2047 BCE). Iraq, Nippur, Inanna Temple IV, locus 128. Excavated by ISAC, 1957-58. ISAC Museum (A31017A).

  • Left: Dala Nasser, 2021. Photo: Paul Gorra, 2021. Right: Foundation Peg. Bronze, remains of textile. Ur III period, reign of Shulgi (2094-2047 BCE). Iraq, Nippur, Inanna Temple IV, locus 128. Excavated by ISAC, 1957-58. ISAC Museum (A31017A).

  • Wed, Oct 25, 2023
    (This event has already happened.)

    Tour begins at the Renaissance Society and concludes at the ISAC MUSEUM
    Click here to RSVP

    This shared event between the Ren and the University of Chicago’s Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures will put Dala Nasser’s exhibition into conversation with the ISAC Museum’s ancient Mesopotamian collections, generating new insights into each by exploring such topics as mythological conceptions and practices related to natural materials and intercultural aspects of divinity. Visitors will be led through Nasser’s exhibition by Myriam Ben Salah before walking across the University’s quad to the ISAC Museum where Kiersten Neumann will present a brief lecture followed by an informal tour and reception in the museum galleries.
