
A False Hypothesis? What If It's True?

  • Wed, Oct 23, 2002–Thu, Oct 23, 0200
    (This event has already happened.)

    Wes Jackson is the founder and President of The Land Institute, a non-profit research center in Salina, Kansas, devoted to the study of sustainable agriculture. Jackson is a recent Pew Scholar, MacArthur Fellow and recipient of the Right Livelihood Award. His books include Man and the Environment, New Roots for Agriculture, Meeting the Expectations of the Land (edited with Wendell Berry and Bruce Colman), Altars of Unhewn Stone, and Becoming Native to This Place.

    Jackson’s lecture is sponsored by the Environmental Studies Program, the Franke Institute for the Humanities, The Renaissance Society and The College of The University of Chicago as part of its lecture series “Problems”.
