
On Graffitecture: Chicago Graffiti Artists Attack Photographic Spaces

  • Sat, May 19, 2007
    (This event has already happened.)

    Cobb Hall room 402

    Front Forty Press is Doug Fogelson, Dan De Los Monteros, and David Castillo. Describing their process as one of ?blind collaboration,? Front Forty Press recently invited a host of Chicago graffiti artists to work on top of photographs of architectural interiors and exteriors. The result is a very handsome, straightforward publication entitled Graffitecture: Chicago Graffiti Artists Attack Photographic Spaces. Featuring a range of styles and approaches, Graffitecture is at once a thoughtful, expressive and aggressive project that gives pause to the relationship between graffiti and architecture as it is mediated through photography. Please join us for a discussion with Front Forty as they discuss the development of this project.
