Oct 05, 2017

Student Opportunities at the Ren

A crowd looks on a man gesticulating in front of them, miscellaneous materials strewn around the exhibition space.

Jochen Dehn’s Intermissions performance, Arches and Avalanches, August 2017. Photo: Meg T. Noe.

Student membership

Students in the Chicago area can get a free membership to the Renaissance Society. Just sign up here to receive our monthly student newsletter, invitations to special student events, and a 20% discount on our publications. Student membership is open to undergraduate and graduate students of all disciplines.

Our first student members event will be on Wednesday, October 11 at 6pm: a walk-through of Jennifer Packer’s exhibition, Tenderheaded, led by the Ren’s Executive Director and Chief Curator, Solveig Øvstebø. We’ll meet up after this public event for milk and cookies and to discuss the exhibition and what’s coming up here this fall. All students are welcome to join us, so please bring your friends!

Student committee

The Ren’s Student Committee is an active group of about 12 University of Chicago students, both undergraduate and graduate, from all fields of study. We’re looking for members who are enthusiastic about contemporary art and interested in learning more about the Renaissance Society’s program. Members act as ambassadors for the museum to the wider campus community and help get the word out about what we have to offer. In return, we offer a unique opportunity to engage behind-the-scenes with contemporary art, artists, and museum professionals.

Student committee meetings take place every other week at the Renaissance Society, and we hope that members will endeavor to attend as many public Renaissance Society events as possible.

Sorry, applications are now closed. Please complete our online application by Tuesday, October 17 at 9am. Successful applicants will be notified on Wednesday, October 18 and the first meeting will be held on Friday, October 20 at 10am. Subsequent meetings this quarter will take place on November 3, November 17, and December 1.

For further information, please contact Anna Searle Jones: annasj@uchicago.edu or 773 834 8049.
