
Modern American Architecture: Works in Exhibition


Burnham Brothers, Chicago

Paul P. Cret, Philadelphia

Frazier and Raftery, Inc., Chicago

Graham, Anderson, Probst and White, Chicago

Granger and Bollenbacher , Chicago

Ernest A. Grunsfeld, Jr., Chicago

Holabird and Root, Chicago

Raymond Hood, Godley, and Fouilhoux, New York

Denison B. Hull, Chicago

George Fred Keck, Chicago

Philip B. Maher, Chicago

Parkinson and Parkinson, Los Angeles

Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon, New York

Tallmadge and Watson, Chicago

William Van Alen, New York

Voorhees, Gremlin and Walker, New York

Zantsinger, Borie and Medary, Philadelphia
