Abstract Art by Four Twentieth-Century Painters: Works in Exhibition
Fernand Leger, Aviator
Fernand Leger, Rue de Cartes
Pablo Picasso, Zieux Marc
Georges Braque, Cards and Dice
Juan Gris, No Title
Pablo Picasso, Interieur, Water color
Pablo Picasso, No Title, Water color
Georges Braque, Paper Colle
Pablo Picasso, Nature Morte, 1914, Courtesy of Sidney Janowitz, New York
Pablo Picasso, Still Life, 1923, Courtesy of Sidney Janowitz, New York
Pablo Picasso, Seated Woman, 1927, Courtesy of Sidney Janowitz, New York
Juan Gris, The Pipe and Open Book, Courtesy of Sidney Janowitz, New York
Pablo Picasso, Paper Colle, Courtesy of Mr.and Mrs. Charles Goodspeed
Pablo Picasso, Girl with Yellow Hat, Courtesy of Valentine Gallery, New York
Pablo Picasso, Abstraction, Courtesy of Valentine Gallery, New York
Pablo Picasso, Dinard, Courtesy of Valentine Gallery, New York
Pablo Picasso, Glass and Fruit, Courtesy of Valentine Gallery, New York
Fernand Leger, Still Life, 1929, Courtesy of James Johnson Sweeney
Fernand Leger, Still Life 1925, Courtesy of James Johnson Sweeney