An Exhibition in Honor of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Works in Exhibition
Carl Gottlieb Weisser, Bronze Bust of Goethe, From a life mask taken in 1807, Courtesy of Mrs. Alice de Witt-Stetten.
Ferdinand Jagemann, Goethe, 1817, Lithograph after a chalk drawing, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Jens Juel, Portrait of Goethe, India-ink with caption by Lavater, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Johann Heinrich Lips, Goethe, 1791, Engraving after chalk drawing, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Georg Friedrich Schmoll, Goethe, 1774, Etching, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Carl August Schwerdegeborth, Goethe, 1851, Engraving after a drawing in India-Ink, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Engraved greeting card.
Goethe’s portrait in medallion by C. A. Schwerdgeburth after C.D. Rauch, two rhymed couplets, and signature, both in facsimile after his hand, sent as an acknowledgment.
Johann Heinrich Schroeder, Charlotte Kestner ne Buff (Goethe’s Lotte in Wether), Lithograph by Jul. Giere, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Elise von Turkheim, Profile of her mother Lili Schonemann (Frau von Turkheim), Medallion, Courtesy of Mrs. Julie Braun-Vogelstein.
Anonymous, Drawn Portrait of Jenny von Pappenheim, Silhouetted, Courtesy of Mrs. Julie Braun-Vogalstein.
Bernhard von Arnswald, Carl August on horseback with dogs, Engraved by Amadaus Wenzel Böhm, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Carl August Schwerdgeburth, Carl August returning from the hunt, Lithograph, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Daniel N. Chodowiecki, The artist and his family, 1771, Etching, Courtesy of Detroit Institute of Art.
Heinrich Sintzenich, Self portrait of Anton Raphael Mengs, Mixed technique, printed in color, Courtesy of Detroit Art Institute.
After the painting of 1784, formerly in the collection of Baron von Dalberg. Mengs was one of the most famous painters and art critics of his time. Dalberg was the protector of Wieland and Schiller and attempted to create a German theater in Mannheim.
Friedrich August Tischekin, Wieland, 1800, Engraved, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Friedrich Georg Wkitsch, Alexander v. Humboldt, Engraved, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Ludwig Emil Grimm, Portrait of Jacob and Wilheim Grimm, Engraving, Courtesy of Detroit Institute of Arts.
The illustrious Romantic writers and Germanic scholars and collectors of the famous fairy tales.
Goethe, Landscape with two figures in the foreground, Pen and Sepia, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Goethe, Landscape with pond, Pen and wash, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Goethe, Summits of the old and the new world, Pen and watercolor, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Goethe, Study of Tree, in Hackert’s manner, Pen and Sepia, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Certified by Ottilie V. Goethe
Goethe, Landscape with Treetrunk, in Hackert’s manner, Pen, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Goethe, Wooded Hills, Pen and wash 59:205 mm, Courtesy of Wayne University through courtesy of the Detroit Institute of Arts.
Goethe, Farmhouse by the shore, Brush and sepia 210:350 mm, Courtesy of Gert von Gontard.
Goethe, Landscape with Waterfall and two figures (after A. Thiele), Etching, Courtesy of Mr. Alfred E. Hanill.
Made by Goethe while he studied in Leipzig (1765-68) under the guidance of Adam Friedrich Oeser (1717-1799) with address to his father, Rat Goethe.
Anonymous, The Pleissenburg in Leipzig. Oeser’s apartment and art school., Drawing, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Johann Adam Ackermann, The Fortress Ehrenbreitstein near Koblenz on the Rhine, 1799, Watercolor, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Philipp Hackert, Study for an Italian peasant girl, Pencil, Courtesy of The Art Institute of Chicago- The Lenora Hall Gurley Memorial Collection.
Christian Gottlob Hammer, View of Leipzig from the side of the gate of Grimma, Drawing, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Taken at the time of the fair.
Johann Erdmann Hummel, Goethe’s house at the Frauenplan in Weimar, 1846, Watercolor, Goethe Haus.
Angelica Kauffmann, Diana and the Nymphs, Pen and wash (sanguine) Oval: 185:245 mm, Courtesy of Mr. Albert Kahn and the Detroit Institute of Arts.
Christoph Heinrich Kniep, Classic Landscape, Crayon drawing 354:353 mm, Courtesy of Mr. C.P. Richardson (by courtesy of the Detroit Art Institute).
Inscribed on mat in pencil: “C.H.Kniep” and “Napoli 1822”
Christoph Heinrich Kniep, View of the Sea from a Grotto, Black crayon 400:318 mm, Courtesy of The Cooper Union Museum.
Friedrich August Tischekin, Herder, 1800, Engraved, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Philipp Hackert, Man on Horseback in the campagna of Rome, 1782, Pencil and bistre wash 263:216 mm, Courtesy of Mr. Hans Huth.
Goethe met Hackert in 1787 and published his autobiography in 1811.
Christoph Hainrich Kniep, The End, Black crayon 250:360 mm, Courtesy of The Cooper Union Museum.
Christoph Heinrich Kniep, Rocky Landscape with Apollo in the Foreground, Black crayon. Circular :dm 274 mm, Courtesy of The Cooper Union Museum.
Georg Melchior Kraus, View of the Ducal Castle in Weimar, 1805, Drawing, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Georg Melchior Kraus, Falkenstein in the Taunus near Frankfurt, Watercolor, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Christian Georg Schuetz The Elder, River Landscape, Pen and wash, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Johann Kaspar Zehender, Frankfurt am Main, Pen and wash, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Asmus Jakob Carstens, Les Argonautes selon Pindare, Orphee et Apollonios de Rhodes….. Rome, 1799, Twenty-four engravings by Joseph Anton Koch after Carsten’s drawings, Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich Middeldorf.
The representative work of German neo-classic art, done in Rome.
Daumont, Marketplace of Frankfurt, The Römer, Engraving- the view is reversed, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Michael Eben, View of the Römerberg, Engraving, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Eben was art teacher in Frankfurt and taught Goethe
Michael Eben, View of the Frauenberg in Frankfurt, Engraving, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Johann Georg Fuench, New Römer stairs, 1742, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Johann Georg Fuench, Banquet in the Romer, March 8, 1742, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Coronation of Charles Ensemble Dal Niente, with guest Garth Davis VII.
Johann Georg Fuench, Illumination in Frankfurt, Engraving by W.C. Mayr, Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Johann Georg Fuench, Coronation… of Maria Theresia, March 8, 1742 (Interior of Cathedral), Courtesy of Goethe Haus.
Maria Theresia was not crowned in Frankfurt, Must refer to coronation of Charles VII; in this case the date is wrong (Febr. 12, 1742) Maria Theresia was at Frankfurt for the coronation of her husband in 1745