Photo by Frank Perrin.
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For this virtual talk, presented in response to Laws of Confusion, philosopher Emanuele Coccia takes Lydia Ourahmane and Alex Ayed’s exhibition as an entry point to discuss aspects of his own recent work. In lively and illuminating books such Metamorphoses (2021), Coccia considers forms of life, interconnection, and transformation. “There is no opposition between the living and the non-living,” he writes. “Life is always the reincarnation of the non-living, a carnival of the telluric substance of a planet—the Earth—that continually draws new faces and new ways of being out of even the smallest particle of its disparate body.”
The talk will be live captioned on Zoom.
Emanuele Coccia is Associate Professor at EHESS in Paris and currently Visiting Professor at Harvard University. He was formerly assistant professor of history of philosophy in Freiburg, Germany. Passionate about art and botany, he is the author of Sensible Life: A Micro-Ontology of the Image (2016), The Life of Plants: A Metaphysics of Mixture (2018), as well as Metamorphoses (2021), which has been translated into several languages. His latest book, Philosophy at Home, will be published by Penguin next year. In collaboration with Giorgio Agamben, he published an anthology on angels in Christian, Jewish, and Islamic contexts, Angeli: Ebraismo Cristianesimo Islam (2009). In 2019, he was a scientific advisor on the exhibition Trees at the Fondation Cartier in Paris.