Erik Bulatov, Skier, 1971.
Erik Bulatov, Skier, 1971.
Erik Bulatov, *Trade Mark, *1986.
Erik Bulatov, Not To Be Leaned On, 1987.
Erik Bulatov, Krassikov Street, 1976.
Erik Bulatov, I Live, I See, 1982.
Erik Bulatov, Dispersing Clouds, 1982.
Erik Bulatov, Brezhnev in the Crimea, 1981.
Erik Bulatov, People in the Landscape, 1976.
Erik Bulatov, Revolution-Perestroika, 1988.
Erik Bulatov, Seva’s Blue, 1979.
Erik Bulatov, Skier, 1971.
Erik Bulatov, Sky-Sea, 1984.
Erik Bulatov, The Poet Vsevolod Nekrassov, 1981.
Erik Bulatov, Unanimous, 1987.
The Renaissance Society is the final stop for this travelling exhibition organized by Kunsthalle Zurich. Twenty-one large-scale paintings by one of the U.S.S.R.’s first generation of painters to create “unofficial” works of art. Bulatov’s paintings—lush, poetic realism overlaid with wry, existential words and phrases—symbolize the Soviet citizenry’s continuing romance with their people and their country, balanced against a growing disdain for their government.