Avery Preesman, Installation View, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Installation View, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Echo II, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Installation View, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Installation View, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Installation View, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Installation View, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Installation View, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Installation View, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Detail of Choir, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Detail of Choir, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Detail of Staketsel Floor Sculpture, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Detail of Staketsel Floor Sculpture, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Installation View, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Installation View, 2006.
Avery Preesman, Installation View, 2006.
Preesman is an artist whose process-based, experientially generous paintings and sculptures contribute to the rebirth of abstraction today. His paintings are built from layers of color that are partly removed with a gouge, resulting in striated fields of color and light. Preesman?s sculptures - abstract, lattice-like wall reliefs and large timber and cement floor pieces - reference architecture, creating a powerful sense of structure and void.
Preesman will be in residence at The Renaissance Society for one month, during which time he will create a large floor piece that will almost fill the gallery, leaving a walk-way around the edges of the space. He will also create a huge work in plaster that will extend web-like across eight gallery windows. In addition, the exhibit will include several paintings and altered photographs.
Avery Preesman has been organized in collaboration with The University Gallery, University of Massachusetts.