Oct 07, 2016

Join the Ren's Student Committee

A group of students looks at works displayed on tables under glass.

Students at the Ren

The Renaissance Society is located on the fourth floor of Cobb Hall, where we present contemporary art exhibitions along with a regular program of events and publications. Founded in 1915 by a group of University of Chicago faculty members, we are an independent, non-collecting museum that combines a flexible, experimental ethos with focused, rigorous inquiry.

The Ren’s Student Committee is an active group of 12-15 University of Chicago students, both undergraduate and graduate, from all fields of study. We’re looking for members who are enthusiastic about contemporary art and interested in learning more about the Renaissance Society’s program. The main goals of the student committee are:

Advocating for the Ren

  • Act as an ambassador of the Ren to the campus community
  • Promote Ren events and opportunities
  • Advise on opportunities for further engagement with students
  • Provide links with academic departments and other student groups

Gaining professional experience

  • Learn more about how an international non-collecting museum works, including programming, communications, development, and administration
  • Develop skills such as event planning, grant-writing, and public speaking
  • Organize committee-initiated student projects in response to the exhibitions
  • Take part in group and one-on-one professional development sessions with members of staff
  • Initiate visits to other institutions and collaborations with student groups from other university museums, such as the Smart and the Block

Student committee meetings take place every other week on Thursdays at 9am in Cobb Coffee Shop; dates this quarter are October 20, November 3, November 17, and December 1. We hope that members will endeavor to attend public Renaissance Society events as possible.

To apply

Sorry, applications are now closed. Please complete our online application by Monday, October 17 at 9am. Successful applicants will be notified on Tuesday, October 18 and the first meeting will be held on Thursday, October 20 at 9am.

For further information, please contact Anna Searle Jones by email or call 773 834 8049.
