
Modern Austrian Painting: Works in Exhibition


Hans Bren, Portrait of a Girl

Arnold Clementschitsch, Old Garden

Leo Delitz, Winter Landscape

Josef Dobrowsky, Winterscape

Josef Dobrowsky, Winter landscape with a girl

Josef Dobrowsky, Winter landscape

Georg Ehrlich, Portrait

Georg Ehrlich, Portrait of an American girl

Gerhart Frankl, Landscape in Southern France

Max Frey, Hallstadt, Courtesy of William Muschenheim

Professor Ludwig F. Graf, View from Studio Terrace

Albert P. Gutersloh, Bride’s leavetaking

Felix Albrecht Harta, Bobino

Theodor Kern, Harbor in Mentone

Professor Ferdinand Kitt, Football

Professor Ferdinand Kitt, Pieta

Professor Ferdinand Kitt, Portrait

Alfred Kubin, Hog slaughter

Alfred Kubin, Alpine lanscape

Erwin Lang, Cathedral, Woodcut

Oskar Laske, Bullfight

Franz Lerch, Lovers

Georg Mayer-Marton, Southern port

Georg Merkel, Children

Robert Pajer-Gartegen, House in Modenna

Robert Pajer-Gartegen, In the woods, Woodcut

Robert Pajer-Gartegen, Summer, Woodcut

Sergius Pauser, Portrait of a Woman

Dr. Georg Pevetz, Autumn scene, Watercolor

Dr. Georg Pevetz, Seascape, Watercolor

Viktor Planckh, Macedonian Scene

Viktor Planckh, Fille de Joie, Watercolor

Viktor Planckh, Fishermen, Watercolor

Maximilian Reinitz, Water carrier

Egon Schiele, Three girls, Courtesy of William Muschenheim

Egon Schiele, Girl with hat and fur, Courtesy of William Muschenheim

Egon Schiele, Drawings, Courtesy of William Muschenheim

Egon Schiele, Drawings, Courtesy of William Muchenheim

Franz Sedlacek, The lecture

Fritz Silberbauer, Afflicted woman, Etching

Fritz Silberbauer, Horror, Etching

Professor Wilhem Thony, Whitehouse

Victor Tischler, Mother and Child

Rudolf Wacker, Scene with a house

Graf Alfred Wickenburg, Prince and Ladies Court, Watercolor

Graf Alfred Wickenburg, Landscape, Watercolor

Graf Alfred Wickenburg, Still life with vase, Watercolor

Franz Zulow, Still life
