
All The Pretty Corpses: Works in Exhibition


Jeremy Blake, Century 21, from Winchester Trilogy, 2002, Digital animation with sound on DVD, 12 minute continuous loop, Courtesy of the artist and Feigen Contemporary, New York.

Ellen Cantor, Evokation of My Demon Sister, 2002, DVD, 4 min., 30 sec., Courtesy of the artist and Alex Pollazon Gallery, London.

John Espinosa, 150%, 2003, Polyurethane foam, white-tail deer capes, bondo, wood, acrylic, rhinestones, 216 x 65 x 72 inches, Courtesy of the artist and RARE Gallery, New York.

Jay Heikes, The Hill Upstairs, 2005, Beet juice and coffee on dropped ceiling, 16 x 16 feet, Courtesy of the artist.

KC Crow Maddux, Untitled, 2005, Ink on paper, 3 parts, 46 x 32 inches each, Courtesy of the artist.

KC Crow Maddux, Untitled, 2005, Ink on paper, 3 parts, 46 x 32 inches each, Courtesy of the artist.

KC Crow Maddux, Untitled, 2005, Ink on paper, 46 x 32 inches, Courtesy of the artist.

KC Crow Maddux, Untitled, 2005, Ink on paper, 46 x 32 inches, Courtesy of the artist.

KC Crow Maddux, Untitled, 2005, Ink on paper, 46 x 32 inches, Courtesy of the artist.

KC Crow Maddux, Untitled, 2005, Ink on paper, 46 x 32 inches, Courtesy of the artist.

KC Crow Maddux, Untitled, 2005, Ink on paper, 46 x 32 inches, Courtesy of Sprint Nextel Art Collection, Overland Park, Kansas.

Sterling Ruby, Anti Print 1 (MINIMALISM TRIES TO KILL THE AMORPHOUS LAW, THIS WON’T LAST), 2005, Tulip print, wood, formica, marble wedges, 70 x 49 inches, Courtesy of the artist and Foxy Production, New York.

Sterling Ruby, Anti Print 2 (THE ABSOLUTE VIOLATION COMES FROM INSTITUTIONAL PRECEDENCE), 2005, Tulip print, wood, formica, marble wedges, 70 x 49 inches, Courtesy of the artist and Foxy Production, New York.

Sterling Ruby, Anti Print 3 (FINISH ARCHITECTURE, KILL MINIMALISM, LONG LIVE THE AMPORHOUS LAW), 2005, Tulip print, wood, formica, marble wedges, 49 x 70 inches, Courtesy of the artist and Foxy Production, New York.

Steven Shearer, List, 2004, Inkjet print, 44 x 67 inches, Courtesy of the artist and Goodwater Gallery, Toronto.

Steven Shearer, Window, 2005, Oil on canvas, 28 x 22 inches, Courtesy of the artist.

Steven Shearer, Band, 2004, Pen on paper, 5 parts, 5.5 x 3 inches each, Courtesy of Ringier Collection, Switzerland.

Steven Shearer, Poems, 2005, Wall painting, 10 x 8 feet each, Courtesy of the artist and Goodwater Gallery, Toronto.

Tony Tasset, Grotto, 2005, Plaster, wood, acrylic paint, candles, 86 x 52 x 50 inches, Courtesy of the artist.
