RENBEN 2017: Caroline Achaintre, O.O.O.M., 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Arcade Fine Arts, London.
Estimate: $1,500; Starting bid: $1,000.
RENBEN 2017: Salvatore Arancio, Active Splatter Cone Upon Rocks and Boulders, 2010. Courtesy of the artist and Federica Schiavo Gallery, Italy.
Estimate: $3,500; Starting bid: $2,200.
RENBEN 2017: Leslie Baum, the shape of the day: a.t, b.n, s.d., 2016. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $4,000; Starting bid: $2,800.
RENBEN 2017: Sadie Benning, Sunset 18, 2016. Courtesy of the artist and Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects. Photo: Chris Austin.
Estimate: $38,000; Starting bid, $28,000.
RENBEN 2017: Annie Bielski, Sunset, parking lot, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $3,000; Starting bid: $2,000.
RENBEN 2017: Colby Bird, Love Ignatz, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Halsey McKay Gallery, New York.
Estimate: $3,500; Starting bid: $2,200.
RENBEN 2017: Allan deSouza, Rumpty-Tumpty #3, 1997/2017. Courtesy of the artist and Talwar Gallery, New York | New Delhi.
Estimate: $9,000; Starting bid: $7,000.
RENBEN 2017: Chris Dorland, Untitled (forever franchise), 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels and Practise, Oak Park, IL.
Estimate: $1,200; Starting bid: $900.
RENBEN 2017: Ryan Fenchel, The Adept in Public, 2016. Courtesy of the artist and Carrie Seacrist Gallery, Chicago.
Estimate: $6,000; Starting bid: $4,000.
RENBEN 2017: Elizabeth Ferry, Sir Thomas and Helen Keller at a Picnic, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Grice Bench, Los Angeles.
Estimate: $3,000; Starting bid: $1,800.
RENBEN 2017: Justin Fitzpatrick, Self-digestion Sigil, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Seventeen Gallery, London.
Estimate: $2,000; Starting bid: $1,200.
RENBEN 2017: Christina Forrer, Untitled, 2014. Courtesy of the artist and Grice Bench, Los Angeles.
Estimate: $3,500; Starting bid: $2,200.
RENBEN 2017: Dianna Frid, Rhythm Rhythm Rhythm (Yellow/Purple Version), 2016. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $6,000; Starting bid: $3,600.
RENBEN 2017: Michael Genovese, Abandon Reason, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Moran Bondaroff, Los Angeles.
Estimate: $6,000; Starting bid: $3,600.
RENBEN 2017: Simryn Gill, Vegetation, 2006. Courtesy of the artist and Tracy Williams Ltd.
Estimate: $7,000; Starting bid: $5,000.
RENBEN 2017: Lothar Götz, Pas de Trois (Yellow I), 2016. Courtesy of the artist and DOMOBAAL, London.
Estimate: $2,000; Starting bid: $1,200.
RENBEN 2017: Rodney Graham, School of Velocity, two sketches, 1995. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $18,000; Starting bid $12,000.
RENBEN 2017: Wyatt Grant, Another Drunk Suite, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $1,400; Starting bid: $1,000.
RENBEN 2017: Sara Greenberger Rafferty, News with Zipper I, 2016. Courtesy of the artist and DOCUMENT, Chicago.
Estimate: $2,500; Starting bid: $1,800.
RENBEN 2017: Matthew Angelo Harrison, The Consequence of Perforation, 2016. Courtesy of Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco.
Estimate: $10,000; Starting bid: $7,500.
RENBEN 2017: Eloise Hawser, Untitled, 2015. Courtesy of the artist and VI, VII, Oslo.
Estimate: $3,500; Starting bid: $2,300.
RENBEN 2017: Jay Heikes, Zs, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago; Federica Schiavo Gallery, Rome; and Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York and Aspen.
Estimate: $20,000; Starting bid: $15,000.
RENBEN 2017: JPW3 (J. Patrick Walsh), Wax, 2014. Courtesy of Richard Wright.
Estimate: $5,000; Starting bid: $3,000.
RENBEN 2017: Janice Kerbel, Love, Lust, Deceit, Revenge, Death, diptych, 2014. Courtesy of Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver.
Estimate: $9,600; Starting bid: $6,500.
RENBEN 2017: Zak Kitnick, Sometimes Unwelcome, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and C L E A R I N G, New York | Brussels.
Estimate: $7,500; Starting bid: $4,600.
RENBEN 2017: Marc Licari, Clear Thoughts Ahead, 2006. Courtesy of the artist and Stavros Merjos and Honor Fraser.
Estimate: $2,000; Starting bid: $1,200.
RENBEN 2017: Life After Life, Life After Life 11, 2016. Courtesy of the artists and Federica Schiavo Gallery, Milan.
Estimate: $8,000; Starting bid: $5,000.
RENBEN 2017: Clay Mahn, Autoportrait K, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $3,000; Starting bid: $2,000.
RENBEN 2017: Charles Mayton, Untitled, 2016. Courtesy of the artist and David Lewis, New York.
Estimate: $5,000; Starting bid: $3,200.
RENBEN 2017: Dominic McGill, Doppelganger, 2010. Courtesy of the artist and Derek Eller Gallery, NY.
Estimate: $9,000; Starting bid: $5,500.
RENBEN 2017: Kristen Morgin, Two Men in Twenty, 2008. Courtesy of the artist and Marc Selwyn Fine Art, Santa Monica.
Estimate: $7,000; Starting bid: $4,200.
RENBEN 2017: Juan Munoz, Chopping Block, 2001. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $12,000; Starting bid: $7,500.
RENBEN 2017: Ciaran Murphy, Two Other Places, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Grimm Galllery.
Estimate: $2,800; Starting bid: $1,700.
RENBEN 2017: Zoe Nelson, Pink Sea, She Looks, 2016. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $4,000; Starting bid: $2,500.
RENBEN 2017: Huong Ngo, To Name It Is to See It, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $1,600; Starting bid: $1,000.
RENBEN 2017: Albert Oehlen and Georg Herold, Untitled. Courtesy of the artists.
Estimate: $5,000; Starting bid: $3,200.
RENBEN 2017: Peter Piller, Erscheinungen #6, 2015. Courtesy of the artist and Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York.
Estimate: $16,000; Starting bid: $9,600.
Anne Pöhlmann, cowardly square yellow, 2015. Courtesy of the artist and Clages, Cologne.
Estimate: $5,400; Starting bid: $3,400.
RENBEN 2017: Puppies Puppies, Untitled (Perfect Lovers) (Green), 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $4,000; Starting bid: $2,500.
RENBEN 2017: Jagdeep Raina, Massi standing underneath the City University sign, 2016. Courtesy of the artist and Grice Bench, Los Angeles. Estimate: $4,000; Starting bid: $1,500.
RENBEN 2017: Dan Rees, Rustbelt Understudy, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Tanya Leighton Gallery, Berlin.
Estimate: $21,000; Starting bid: $13,000.
RENBEN 2017: Ryan Richey, First Dance, 2012. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $4,000; Starting bid: $2,500.
RENBEN 2017: Adrian Sauer, Schuh, 2013. Courtesy of the artist and Klemm’s, Berlin.
Estimate: $4,500; Starting bid: $2,800.
RENBEN 2017: Emmanuel Seitz, Unititled, 2012. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Christine Mayer, Munich.
Estimate: $3,000; Starting bid: $1,800.
RENBEN 2017: Peter Shear, The Twist, 2017. Courtesy of the artist and Dan Devening Projects, Chicago.
Estimate: $2,200; Starting bid: $1,400.
RENBEN 2017: David Benjamin Sherry, Saguaro Field, Tucson, Arizona, 2013. Courtesy of the artist and Salon 94, New York.
Estimate: $14,000; Starting bid: $9,000.
RENBEN 2017: Amie Seigel, Lot 248 (still), 2013. Courtesy of the artist and Simon Preston Gallery, New York.
Estimate: $1,800; Starting bid: $1,200.
RENBEN 2017: Roger White. Untitled (Brita), 2014. Courtesy of the artist and Grice Bench, Los Angeles.
Estimate: $5,000; Starting bid: $3,000.
RENBEN 2017: Adam Winner, Lazy Lightening, 2015. Courtesy of the artist and Josée Bienvenu Gallery.
Estimate: $7,000; Starting bid: $4,500.
RENBEN 2017: CD Wu, Hi, 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
Estimate: $2,500; Starting bid: $1,500.
Half Acre Beer Co.
2050 W. Balmoral Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
The annual RenBen Gala and Art Auction invites the Renaissance Society’s supporters to come together for a lively evening of food and drink, art and conversation.
Year after year, a successful RenBen bolsters our commitment to artists and their ideas, and ensures that we remain free and open to the public. All proceeds from the event directly benefit the 2017–18 season of exhibitions, events, and publications.
This year’s live auction, conducted by Gary Metzner and Helyn Goldenberg from Sotheby’s, includes works by Sadie Benning, Irena Haiduk, Moshekwa Langa, and Gabriel Sierra. The silent auction features more than 60 works from artists such as Matthew Angelo Harrison, David Benjamin Sherry, Simryn Gill, Rodney Graham, Sara Greenberger Rafferty, Janice Kerbel, Peter Pillar, and more.
The evening features dinner by Chef Nick Schmuck of Real Kitchen Catering and Chef Nick Lacasse of Half Acre Catering. Experimental musician C. Spencer Yeh, who has been part of the Renaissance Society’s concert program in 2007 and 2015, will perform.
All works are currently open for advance bidding on online auction house Paddle8. View artworks.
Tickets are no longer available online. Please contact Colleen Kelly to purchase seats:
Jorge Aguilar Cauz and Ugo Alfano Casati
Richard Wright and Valerie Carberry
Host Committee
Marilyn and Larry Fields; David Herro and Jay Franke; Raven Thomas Abdul-Aleem and Zaid Abdul-Aleem; Michael Alper and Helyn Goldenberg; Heiji Choy Black and Brian Black; Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt; Mary Frances Budig and John Hass; Jorge Aguilar Cauz and Ugo Alfano Casati; Vanessa and Rich Copans; Anne Dias; Edlis Neeson Foundation; Nancy Lerner Frej and David Frej; Front Barnett Associates LLC / Laura D. and Marshall B. Front; Mirja and Ted Haffner; Jill Ingrasssia-Zingales and Luigi Zingales; Jennifer and Ashley Keller; Randall S. Kroszner and David Nelson; Liz and Eric Lefkofsky; Ivan Moskowitz and Jolie Nahigian; Sylvia Neil and Dan Fischel; Neil Ross and Lynn Hauser; Glen Saltzberg and Jordana Joseph; Sotheby’s; Donna A. Stone; Margaret Stone; UChicago Arts and the Smart Museum; Anne Van Wart and Michael Keable; David W. Williams and Eric Ceputis; Richard Wright and Valerie Carberry
In Kind Sponsors
Half Acre Beer Co.; Seaberg Picture Framing; Charles Equipment Energy Systems; The Art Fair Company; EXPO CHICAGO; Frost; H2Vino