Smashing into my heart: Reading List
Giorgio Agamben, “The Friend” in “What Is an Apparatus?” and Other Essays, Stanford University Press, 2009
Carla Bergman and Nick Montgomery, Joyful Militancy: Building Thriving Resistance in Toxic Times, AK Press, 2018
Lauren Berlant, “The Traumic: On BoJack Horseman’s ‘Good Damage,’” Post45, 2020
Svetlana Boym, “SCENOGRAPHY OF FRIENDSHIP: Hannah Arendt, Mary McCarthy, and anchovy paste,” Cabinet, Issue 36: Friendship, 2009-2010
Céline Condorelli, “The company we keep: a conversation with Avery F. Gordon, part one,” Chisenhale Gallery, 2013
Céline Condorelli, “Too close to see: a conversation with Johan Frederik Hartle,” in Self-Organized, eds. Stine Herbert and Anne Szefer Karlson, Open Editions, 2013.
Michel Foucault, “Friendship as a Way of Life,” 1981 in Foucault Live: Collected Interviews, 1961-1984, Semiotext(e), 1989
Hervé Guibert, To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life, Semiotext(e), 1990
Hervé Guibert, The Mausoleum of Lovers: Journals 1976-1991, Nightboat Books, 2014
Byung-Chul Han, The Agony of Eros, Matthes & Seitz Berlin, 2012
Mathieu Lindon, Learning What Love Means, Semiotext(e)/Native Agents, 2017
Sylvère Lotringer, “Initiales n° 12 – Initiales S.L.,” les presses du reel, 2018
Michel de Montaigne, “Of Friendship,” first published January 1, 1580
Jean-Luc Nancy, The Inoperative Community, University of Minnesota Press, 1986
Brontez Purnell, 100 Boyfriends, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2021
Tiana Reid, “Crushed,” The New Inquiry, 2018
Lily Scherlis, “Good, Likeable People Who Love Each Other”, Post45, 2020
Danez Smith, Homie: Poems, Graywolf Press, 2020